Saturday, November 14, 2009

And the heavens opened, and angels fell from the sky...

Angels are everywhere, if we just open our eyes, and allow ourselves to see them. I have a friend, who says she has never seen anyone, who has as much emotional support, in there life, as I do. And she's right. I am blessed with countless angels, in my life. I am so blessed...and I am so grateful. But, even though these angels are all around me, I still keep trying to do it all on my own. I'm always trying to be strong and tough, and hold it all together. But, sometimes, it just won't be held anymore, and the dam bursts open. Well, my dam burst today. It burst wide open. And the water flowed all around....and it flowed, and it flowed, and it flowed. And it just kept on flowing, until there was nothing left. Thank you, my beautiful angels...thank you for your tender loving care, and for creating a safe space for me, and for holding me up, so that I could let go. All is well. Blessings, Robbin

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Renovation is messy stuff...

Day 2 of my 10 of this cold. Still laying low...still moving slow. It's funny how little things get really exciting when you're sick. The big excitement for me today was doing my laundry. Woohoo...I can wear my favorite underwear tomorrow, and tonight I get to slip into a fresh bed. Just thinking about it now, is putting a smile on my face. They seem like such simple things, and yet, at this moment, they mean the world to me. And yet, underneath all this quietness, I know that something really big is going on. It's like a major renovation is happening within. I know that my body is just facilitating a major letting go process, and physically helping me let go of a build up of old crap, that I've decided I can now release. So, I welcome it. I allow my body to help me let go of the toxic anger, that has surrounded my heart for so long. I release it to the universe, and I say thank you, as I feel my heart soften and open. All is good. Blessings, Robbin

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The geese made me do it...

Sometimes I feel like the old bird woman from the Mary Poppins movie. A bag of birdseed, and a hungry flock of geese, and I'm in heaven...instantly connected to myself and the universe. It's like magic. My mind clears, my heart softens, and suddenly I'm able to hear the inner workings of my spirit. I didn't expect to see my feathered friends today. In fact, they would usually have all flown south by now. Lucky for me, we're having unseasonably warm weather for November. I really only meant to go out for a drive, a change of scenery, and a breath of fresh air. It's day 9 of this flu, and I just needed to see something else besides the TV, and this computer screen. But, I wasn't really surprised when my car found it's way to the park. Some part of me knew what I needed. But I was surprised by what happened next. Remember how I said that I can hear better, with the geese. It's true. I get all kinds of messages and wisdom, and ideas that are amazing and wonderful. And sometimes, I hear things that just seem plain crazy. Like today. Today, I heard "start a blog". And then, of course, I had that little conversation in my head that goes kinda like this, "What did you just say? Did you just say, start a blog. Why would I start a blog? What do I have to write about? Who would want to read my blog anyway? Are you crazy? I'm not starting a blog. About what? About my life? Right..people wanna read a blog about my life. I don't think so." Anyway, this went on for a while, as usual, when I'm feeling resistant and uncomfortable with what my higher self wants me to do., Well, that was a few hours ago, and you can see who won this one. So, I'm writing a blog. I have no idea why, or if anyone is interested in reading about me, and my adventures, but I'm gonna do it anyway. I'm gonna trust the geese. They have never led me wrong before. Blessings, Robbin !! P.S. I would also like to honor my Father here today, who is a World War II veteran. I haven't always been able to honor his bravery, because, for so long, I was really angry about the sacrifice that the rest of the family had to live with, because of what the war had taken away from him, and how it had hurt him. I'm not so angry anymore. He had no choice in the situation, and he did his duty with honor. I still do not believe in war, but I know that my Dad did what he had to at the time. Thanks Dad.