Saturday, November 14, 2009

And the heavens opened, and angels fell from the sky...

Angels are everywhere, if we just open our eyes, and allow ourselves to see them. I have a friend, who says she has never seen anyone, who has as much emotional support, in there life, as I do. And she's right. I am blessed with countless angels, in my life. I am so blessed...and I am so grateful. But, even though these angels are all around me, I still keep trying to do it all on my own. I'm always trying to be strong and tough, and hold it all together. But, sometimes, it just won't be held anymore, and the dam bursts open. Well, my dam burst today. It burst wide open. And the water flowed all around....and it flowed, and it flowed, and it flowed. And it just kept on flowing, until there was nothing left. Thank you, my beautiful angels...thank you for your tender loving care, and for creating a safe space for me, and for holding me up, so that I could let go. All is well. Blessings, Robbin


  1. WOW Robbin... what an amazing experience and journey you have begun... purging your core of some really old emotional baggage... I will keep lifting you up in my prayers for more to leave you and set you free for new joys to enter... lots of love from Shirley

  2. Hey Shirley,

    Oh...I've definitely been purging...and making good use of some of that wonderful support I have. I figure as long as the universe has given it to me, it would be a horrible waste not to accept the gift, and use it wisely.

    I would like to acknowledge my spiritual community here, "The Centre for Conscious Living", in Winnipeg, where I receive a lot of that support you speak of. We have created a beautiful, loving community, where we all support each other, on our individual journeys. It's a truly blessed place. I can go in there any Sunday, and just feel however I feel, and I'm totally accepted and loved...just as I am. I never have to pretend, or put on a happy face, if I'm not feeling it. And there are always several people, that would be there for me, in an listen, to hold me while I cry. And to laugh with me, when I find my joy again...'cause i always do find it. And being that I'm the kind of girl (okay, woman), who likes to do things big, you know my joy is just as big as my fact, I think it's bigger.

    And you, are one of my treasured angels...thank you for blessing me with your love, and keeping me in your prayers. I love you lots too, and I'm keeping you in my prayers as well. Blessings to you, Robbin
