Monday, January 4, 2010

The Path of Dreams

Happy 2010 Everyone!! A new year... a new decade... and so many new possibilities!! I'm doing something totally different this year. I'm allowing myself to dream big. I say, allowing, because dreaming was something, that I've had trouble letting myself do, in the past. I really didn't believe that they would actually come true, so what was the point. Better, to save myself the pain, and just not have any. And then, 2009 happened, and I found myself doing things, that I could have never imagined (see previous post, if you would like to see a short list of these things). At first, I thought these were just random events, and I was just taking the opportunities, that were being placed, in my path. Yes, I was taking the opportunities...but, were they just being placed randomly, or were they actually the culmination of my persistence and determination, to have a better life. In the past, I've tended to believe, that I was at the mercy, of the Universe, and just had to deal with whatever it put in my path. But, what if the Universe has always been answering my dreams, even when I couldn't dare to let myself articulate them? So, this year, I'm gonna actually start telling the Universe what I want, and who knows what will happen And so, I'm really excited, to be involved in my friend, Andrea's, Creative Dreamer project. Check out the link. It's going to be very exciting. I can just feel it. So, without further ado, here is my list of dreams....big and small, and everywhere, in between. Some are already happening, some, I know will happen this year, and others, may take a little longer...but it's all good, 'cause I know that life is full of possibilities, just waiting to happen... 1~ write and publish a book about my's been quite a ride, and I have discovered that I touch people, when I share my story! 2~ travel to Mexico to see the Monarch butterflies! 3~ let go of my bedroom furniture, and get the furniture I really want! 4~ continue to share my story through public speaking! 5~ eat healthier more often! 6~ detoxify my body! 7~ restore my body to it's natural vibrancy! 8~ start a meditative dance group! 9~ welcome the love of my life, into my life! 10~travel around the continent, in a camper truck, with the love of my life! 11~be paid well for doing what I love! 12~forgive quicker! 13~let go of guilt! 14~tell the people that I love, how much they mean to me, more often! 15~take a hot air balloon ride! 16~and go hangliding! 17~and ride in a biplane! (can you tell I love the freedom of the open sky!! 18~go on a spa vacation in a beautiful warm country! 19~let go of needless worry & anxiety! 20~laugh more! 21~sleep like a peaceful baby! 22~sing onstage @ a sunday service! 23~be more of my true self more often! 22~be silly more often! 23~wear a sari! 24~accept compliments easy and graciously! 25~meditate daily! 26~do more readings @ my spiritual centre! 27~continue to write in my blog, openly and honestly! 28~believe in myself and my abilities more! 29~be more generous! 30~be more grateful! 31~dance more! 32~travel to Italy! 33~spend more time with Mom! 34~do more ramdom acts of kindness! 35~follow my instincts more! 36~share my gifts more openly! 37~let go of back pain, and all pain, for that matter! 38~get my passport, so I can go to Italy & Mexico, and lots of other places! 39~spend more time out in nature! 40~handle my prosperity in the best way! 41~go to a nude beach! 42~learn to quilt! 43~travel across the country, all summer, attending folk festivals! 44~attend a toastmaster's group! 45~be a nude model for an art class! 46~sing more! 47~swim with dolphins! 48~ride in a glass bottomed boat! 49~be content with myself, just as I am! 50~This is a big one, and writing it down feels very powerful, and pretty scary ~ I've been having this vision, in my head, for a few years now, where I am living, with the love of my life, in a big, beautiful, yellow house. It's a home full of light, love and laughter, where family and friends feel at home. Life is simple and easy, and love flows freely. I'm ready to allow this dream to become a reality. That's my list for now. It feels really awesome to share it with all of you. Thanks for reading. Blessings, Robbin


  1. Love you Robbin!!! I share a lot of those dreams too. So glad to be your friend! Through you I learn more about myself and "allowing" myself to actually be "myself"!!

  2. "I'm ready to allow this dream to become a reality." love it. and i am seeing you doing this. so glad you joined "creating dreams come true"!
