Saturday, July 31, 2010

Letting Out The Monster ~ Part II

OMG!! I have the most wonderful news to share with you today. I shared here last night about how much trouble I've been having sleeping (it's all in my last post; Letting out the Monster ~ Part I). Well, after finishing that entry, and closing things down for the night, I was absolutely exhausted. My inner little girl and I thought about it, and decided that we would try sleeping in the bedroom, with the option to move to the couch, if we had to. No need!! I slept like a rock for 8 straight my bed!! No flashbacks..not even a bathroom break!! Woohoo!! I can't remember the last time I did that. What a glorious feeling to wake up in the morning feeling refreshed. If I feel this great from one night of restful sleep, can you imagine how amazing I'm gonna feel, when I'm doing that every night. So, what was different? I listened to scared little girl. I really listened to her. And I gave her space to let those feelings out...the dark scary feelings. I let her scream onto the paper, in whatever way she wanted. I didn't censor her. I didn't tell her she had to do things a certain way to please me. I just let her be...and when she had had enough of my time and attention...when she knew that I was really listening, and not pushing her away, she could finally rest. And that's just what we did. We slept the most peaceful of babies. So beautiful. Today, her and I are going to the craft store, to buy more big paper, and crayons. She is so happy...and I am so grateful. Blessings, Robbin

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